The Latest


The guinea pig house is filling up nicely for the summer holidays. It’s lovely to see the return of old friends and make some new ones already 🙂 Charlie, Jessica & Sophie are the most adorable trio. They get on...


Day to Day!

Well, half term has been and gone. It went by without any fuss, just the usual hay delivery, veg deliveries and lots and lots of cuddles all round, so nothing out of the ordinary except we did have the sunshine,...


Spring Grass Safety

The sun is shining and the weather is beginning to warm up and spring looks like it’s definitely on its way, which of course, means that we are raring to get our guinea pigs outside for some fresh air and...


Easter is here!

Easter is well and truly in full swing, as we’ve had piggy pals coming and going for a few days now. There’s been groups, duos and singles all needing a break from their forever mummies or daddies for lots of...


A few more guests!

More piggies arrived during half term – I was asleep in the hay so didn’t even realise they were here until I saw my forever mummy getting more food dishes out. At first, I got very excited because I thought...


Hectic Half Term!

Half term is very nearly upon us, and we’ve had a flurry of piggies arriving for their holidays  🙂 Frankie arrived a few days ago, with the sad news that Benny had gone over the rainbow bridge 🙁 He’s now known...


Happy New Year! I mean…Happy February!

Woohoo! Happy New Year! I’m a bit late with that greeting, sorry! We closed up shop for a couple of weeks after Christmas to have a rest so I was a bit naughty and chose to abandon my blog completely...


Sunny days

Glorious sunshine here today, with hardly any wind so we’ve all had a spell on the grass. We’ve enjoyed cool cucumber and then some melon and then if we were still too warm we had cool squares to lay next...


Medical Monday: Impaction

Impaction affects most guinea pigs, usually older boars. The muscles of piggies suffering from impaction have weakened which means they can no longer pass the soft poos in the perineal sack. Guinea pigs usually eat their own poos as part...


Groups Galore!

It was great to see Bernard and Polga again, sad to say it was only the two of them but I’m sure Bernard has plans for more friends as he was saying Polga was getting a little too used to...