Hunky Chunk #2?

One of my MANY duties in my official capacity here at NEPB is ensuring that everything runs smoothly. I like everything to be kept above board, run like clockwork, and that every guinea pig is kept safe and healthy while on their holidays.

I’ve been keeping a close eye on the weighing book since it came to light that Bailey’s official status as hunky chunk might be about to be challenged!

I was so surprised by this and thought that Winter was talking our of her very dirty derriere, seen as Bailey has been NEPB’s ‘hunky chunk’ for absolutely ages. I’m talking years, ever since Nosey began writing this blog, but in actual fact no she wasn’t, there is indeed a challenge for hunky chunk status 😮

We all gathered around the scales in anticipation as first Bella was weighed, and then hunky chunk Teddy. As luck would have it, we also had Bailey arrive for his holiday, so we waited with bated breath while he got weighed in!

It was a close call, but Teddy won, he’s 20 grams heavier than Bailey. So, there you have it, Teddy was crowned the hunky chunk piggy for August holidays 2019, weighing out at a whopping 1465g.

I interviewed Bailey to see how he felt having his crown slip away by so little as 20g and he said that he wasn’t upset by it, because he’d brought treats in his bag on his holidays and would be putting the 20g back on in no time and was already looking forward to a weigh-in rematch on his next holiday!

So, there you have it, Teddy is our new hunky chunk…but Bailey will always be my hunky chunk, no matter how much he weighs, he’s just adorable!

Ruby x