Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

snow, snow, snow and more snow!

If I wet the snow then it sticks together a little bit, but as soon as I have enough wet my forever mummy whisks it away and gives us fresh dry snow… I’ll never make a snow piggy at this...



Woohoo! The white bits are snow! We have snow all over the floor of our indoor cage yippee! It is such fun, I sink a bit when I’m walking but it’s not as cold as I thought it would be,...


Odd bedding….

Hmmm… not sure what has happened but after getting cleaned out yesterday we came back to find lots and lots of white bits on the floor of our cage. A bit like paper but not nice and flat like our...


Christmas is over…

We would like to thank everyone who sent us Christmas cards, they decorated our guinea pig house beautifully and a special thank you goes to Thomas, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Comet and Blitzen for the huge bag of Timothy Hay we received...


No more snow :3

It was good fun whilst it lasted but now the snow is gone, never to return,because it turns out that it wasn’t snow but a type of bedding that my forever mummy was trying out. But every cloud has a...


Not long now…

The rest of the boarders have arrived so we are all set to welcome Santa. There’s Comet and Blitzen, quite aptly named for this time of year I think, then Jeremy and Jermiah, they’ve been here before and my old...


Cat flap not needed!

Poppy and I are back in the guinea pig house now, just in time for Christmas, but I’m not worried at all thanks to Nicole on our facebook page, because she says that Santa has a magic key that unlocks...


Female reindeers?! Pfft!

Poppy also says that all Santa’s reindeer are female! Pfft! As if Santa would allow females to be in charge of such an important mission as delivering presents to all the children around the world in just one night !...


So excited!

Phew! It’s okay, it’s okay, we will get pressies off Santa because we’ve moved into my forever mummy’s house which has an enormous chimney, I mean really gigantic… so does that mean bigger chimney = bigger presents? Ooh I’m getting...


Going to town

It’s all go around here, even though we don’t have any boarders in. Grandma is having a cleaning frenzy because this is the first time that we have had no boarders in AND no fosterers in, so she’s really going...