Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

I’m baaaaaack!

Wheeeek! I’m back 😀 And life is gooooood! The vets was really fun, I met lots of other piggies who also wanted a girlfriend. Unfortunately none of us got one…apparently we have to wait and wait and wait until we...


Bye everyone!

At last Grandma has realised that Nosey isn’t made of glass and has finally let him go back out to play – he’s running around like normal, eating grass, moving his house around and running through the tunnels… I feel...


I’ve got news too!

Well Nosey isn’t the only one with news to tell, I have some pretty exciting news myself as it happens…:) The other day I overheard my mum and Grandma talking about moving the hutches around and bringing us piggies inside...


Poorly Rabbit

Thomas, Jeremy and Jeremiah went home yesterday after their extended holidays. Their mum couldn’t get home to pick them up because of the flooding; I’m so glad we live on a hill 😀 We had a visitor for a few...


Me again :)

We are currently living indoors over winter. We’re actually outdoor pigs but I’m not complaining 😛 Nosey is recovering well but of course he’s playing at being ‘poorly little piggy’ so he’s getting lots of cuddles from Grandma… I think...


Hello there!

Hello Dexter here, I’m chief editor of the blog and you’ve probably seen me around on the NE Piggy Boarding logo; quite a handsome fellow aren’t I? I am a rescue piggy from NEPGR. I was adopted last year, along...


Little trip…

This week just keeps getting better and better because I’m going to get a GIRLFRIEND, yes I’m going to have a sow of my very own, right here in my forever home, to love and look after, to play with,...


BIG NEWS!!!!!!

Wowee! Do I have some fantastic news? You’ll never guess what is about to happen to me, I think I could keep you trying to guess all day and you just wouldn’t be able to so I’ll tell you… are...


Winter’s here!

My foster mummy has moved ALL of her piggies inside now for the winter so it is very noisy and busy in here at the moment. We have Dexter and Harley, Pip and Blackie, and Harry and Dougal and on...


Not Again!

This week has been a fairly busy one: Squeak and Pepper have gone home, Jeremy, Jeremiah and Thomas have arrived for a holiday and Stella and Vivienne came for a pamper day; I know I’ve said it before, but it’s...